Monday, February 3, 2014


I am considering the question: how do I find the information I want on the internet while avoiding blogs. Find stuff. Avoid blogs. This is going to be easy. Let me start by listing a few ideas:

idea 1) start a blog

idea 1) talk to somebody in person who knows more about the internet than i do and ask them how to avoid blogs

idea 2) wonder about a more customizable search engine experience that (also) devides the internet into content types and has a user specific priority weghting system for content type (forum, social media, blog, store...) as well as potential subcontent type.

idea 3) wonder if there is already an effective way to avoid swaths of undesired internet ( like '- cognitive dissonance')

idea 5)

fortunately there is a good possibility that I will take a break from the internet for up to a year quite soon. Thus if you feel you can contribute something on the topic, please educate by posting in the comments. Questions left there will also be apreciated.

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